Free Employment Law Advice


Any person involved in the workplace may face legal issues or disputes. These concerns can be related to wage claims, discrimination or wrongful termination. An employment attorney can help you navigate these legal concerns.

You can get free employment law advice from solicitors who specialise in this area of the law. However, this is usually limited to an hour of consultation.
Workplace harassment

Workplace harassment can be prevented by providing employees with clear policies and training. Employees must also be informed that their employer is obligated to investigate and resolve complaints of harassment quickly and thoroughly. This process should include a review of the victim’s experiences and any other evidence such as texts, emails or eyewitness testimony. Employees should be encouraged to bring up issues to HR in a confidential manner.

Harassment is unlawful if it creates an environment that is intimidating, hostile or abusive to a reasonable person. It may be based on a protected class such as race, sex, religion, or age. It can be caused by a supervisor, coworker, or a non-employee.

If the complaint is substantiated, it should be resolved by taking appropriate disciplinary action. This may include a written warning, suspension or termination. The employee who perpetrated the harassment must be notified of the results of the investigation. Documentation is key to supporting harassment claims, and employees should be encouraged to keep copies of any documentation they receive.
Wage discrimination

Wage discrimination is a violation of federal and state law and can be prevented with the right policies, training, and knowledge. For example, an employer can’t pay male and female employees differently for the same job unless the jobs require equal skill, effort, and responsibility and are performed under similar working conditions.

The EPA also prohibits employers from paying employees of one sex at wages that are less than those paid to employees of the opposite sex for substantially equal work. A person doesn’t have to perform the same job title for this to be considered equal pay under EPA.

If you believe that your employer is violating wage discrimination laws, it’s important to document it. This will help you if you decide to file a lawsuit later. If you’re unsure about the steps to take, consult with an employment lawyer. A qualified attorney can assist you with building a case and collecting evidence for a formal lawsuit.
Discrimination based on sexual orientation

Sexual orientation refers to a person’s preference for partners of the same sex, opposite sex, or both. It’s against the law to discriminate on this basis, whether it happens in a workplace or at a social event away from work. It’s also illegal to harass a person on this basis. This includes making derogatory comments or jokes. It’s also against the law to give benefits only to one sex and deny them to others.

It’s important for employers to have policies to prevent discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. These policies can help protect employees from harassment and retaliation, and can form part of an employer’s defence in a discrimination claim. Having a policy can also show that the company takes its legal and moral obligations to be an inclusive employer seriously. It’s also a good idea to keep records of any incidents of harassment. If you’re unsure about the law, contact your nearest advice centre or employment agency.
Discrimination based on race

Discrimination based on race is illegal and can occur in many forms. It is important to document any discrimination you experience. Keep written records of conversations and emails, and store backups off the company network in case you need to use them later. It is also helpful to take photographs of your body or face when possible. This will help to prove discrimination later on.

Discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, or national origin is prohibited by federal and New York state law. It can include treatment that is unfavorable because of an employee’s race, skin color, or personal characteristics associated with a particular race.

Some examples of this type of discrimination include an employer requiring all employees to work on Saturdays, which would disproportionately hurt people from certain groups, such as African Americans and Latinos. Another example is a food processing company that requires applicants who appear to be foreign to provide work authorization documents.

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